On the Sea
We are grateful to be situated on the Salish Sea, which is integral to the cultural heritage and environmental health of our region. Here are some of projects that have taken place on the ocean:

Darlene spends the day at tl’ches
On the SeaDarlene took this photo yesterday (Oct. 1, 2019). We think it is a spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei). They are more closely related to sharks than fish. The Wiki page reports that they move closer to shore in the spring and fall, but can…

Reefnet Fishery
On the SeaJOIN US for a Community Celebration highlighting the Reefnet Fishery - September 22, 2018
On August 9th, 2014, the W̱SÁNEĆ Nation went reef net fishing to reclaim a practice that the colonial government outlawed a hundred years…

Songhees Academic Youth Leadership Collecting Sand & Water Samples at Cadboro Bay
On the SeaSonghees Academic Youth Leadership had a 2-day Science Camp at the University of Victoria. Dr. John Taylor lined up a bunch of amazing mini-workshops for our youth.
SAYL working with the University of Victoria to collect sand and water samples…

Harvesting Traditional Foods with our Songhees Elders & Interviewing our Elders
On the SeaOur Songhees Youth interviewed our Elders in both Year 1 and Year 2 of the SAYL - Living Science Lab project.
CRD's Erich Kelch and Keir Cordner from First Nations Health Authority made this trip possible. Erich drove us out…

A Day in the Sun on T’liches with Songhees Community and UVIC staff
On the SeaEach year, Songhees Academic Youth Leadership goes to our islands to do some historical, biological and anthropological work with Songhees and UVIC experts.
Standing around an ancient longhouse foundation with Songhees youth,…

CENQALES – Tribal School Cultural Day – June 20th, 2019
On the SeaLiving Lab participated in National Aboriginal Day – LAU WEL NEW Tribal School’s Cultural Day sponsored by PEPAKEN HAUTW who have been leading the Reefnet – willow restoration project. Sharing a Clam Bar B Q – marine life tent with…

Living Lab Community of Practice: Team Day – Salish Sea, July 2019
On the SeaOn July 11th Living Lab team members Florence Dick and Darlene Joseph ( Songhees Nation) , Earl Claxton Jr, Nick Claxton and Tiffany Joseph ( WSANEC) along with John Lutz (UVic History), John Taylor ( Biology), Judith Lyn Arney ( PEPAKEN HAUT’W) …