Core Team (Staff & Students)

Jessica Joseph
Core TeamJessica Joseph
Arts and Community Engagement Programmer
eyʔ skʷéčəl
I’m Jessica Joseph from the Songhees Nation. I align myself with cultural restoration and art, and I’m inspired by plants and traditional stories. I started working…

Maeve Lydon
Core TeamProgram Director
Greetings! As an uninvited guest, I am honoured to live and work on Coast Salish territories. I am the daughter of Irish immigrants from Galway, (another wild west coast) in Ireland. Over the past 15 years, I have been focused…

Desiree Jones
Core TeamWSANEC School Board Senior Language Apprentice/Living Lab-WSB Staff Liaison
ÍY, SȻÁĆEL SIÁM NE SĆÁLEĆE. ESE Desiree Jones ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ W̱SÁNEĆ. My name is Desiree Jones, I am from W̱SÁNEĆ territory and Pauquachin First…

Lyndsey Joseph
Core TeamWSANEC Leadership Secondary School
LLab Program Developer
ÍY, SȻÁĆEL SIÁM. TE,TES,ȾE ŦE NE SNÁ ĆSE LÁ,E SEN EṮ LEQEṈEN. My name is Lyndsey Henry, I am Lekwungen from the Songhees First Nation, and I currently reside in TSAWOUT. …

Jam Ramjattan
Core TeamEngagement and Support
Jam is an educator, community worker, & lover of tacos. He graduated with a B.A. Justice Studies at Royal Roads University. He recently completed his M.A. research on the Pedagogy of Space: Deconstructing Colonial…

Nicholas Stanger
Core TeamResearch Lead, Western Washington University - Research / Environmental Education
I work as an associate professor of environmental education at Western Washington University. My research uses an educationalist lens and participatory…

Mo Mitchell (they/them)
Core TeamMy name is Mo Mitchell (they/them), and I am the Research Finance Assistant for the UVic HSD Research Support Team.
I help with account management for the Living Labs project, including invoices, budgeting, and more. As a newcomer to the…

Paul Meier
Core TeamMy name is Paul Meier and I am the HSD Research Support Team Lead. I was born on Iroquois territory and now live with my family on lək̓ʷəŋən territory. I have worked at UVic for 20 years. I am honored to support the work done by Living…
Community Liaisons

Kyle Clarke
WSANEC & PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ (PH) TeamEducation Coordinator
Kyle is of Ukrainian, Irish, and Métis ancestry who grew up on the W̱SÁNEĆ territory. Recently, Kyle graduated from the University of Victoria with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Environmental Studies. He…

Sarah Jim
WSANEC & PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ (PH) TeamStewardship Coordinator
I am a member of the W̱SÁNEĆ nation from the Tseycum village and have been working with PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ since 2018 and with the Living Lab Project since 2019. Living Lab and PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ allow me…

Judith Lyn Arney
WSANEC & PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ (PH) TeamPH Ecosystems Director
I grew up in the beautiful forests, beaches, and meadows of the W̱SÁNEĆ homelands. I‘m an ethno-ecologist of British ancestry doing ecosystem restoration work. My role with Living Lab is supporting “on the ground”…

Erin Glasgow
Songhees TeamDirector of Education
Songhess Nation
(Bio Coming Soon)

John Harris
Songhees Team, Steering CommitteeCommunity Co-Chair
Indigenous Education Elder & Indigenous Knowledge Facilitator SD61
’Uy’ skweyul,
I am an Indigenous Educator and member of Snuneymuxw (Nanaimo) First Nation, working in the Greater Victoria School District’s…

Tye Swallow
Songhees Team, Steering CommitteeAdult Education Facilitator WSANEC Schoolboard
I am a Facilitator for Language Revitalization with the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board. My interest in being involved in the Living Lab work revolves around helping transform educational structures to…

Maya Hamel
Esquimalt Team/LiaisonEsquimalt Nation, Program Supervisor
Hello, my name is Maya Hamel. I was born in Hefei, China. I was adopted and brought to Canada, where I grew up on Treaty 7 territory in Calgary, Alberta and moved to Victoria 7 years ago. I am grateful…
Advisors (Elders / Knowledge Keepers)

AdvisorsCo-Founder and past Academic Director of Living Lab, UVic School of Child & Youth Care
I work with UVic as an assistant professor in the Department of Child and Youth Care. I am also a W̱SÁNEĆ community member and past Chief of the…

Leslie Brown
AdvisorsProfessor Emeritus, UVic School of Social Work
I am a Great-Grandmother and University of Victoria Professor Emerita, who has a life-long passion for community-based research and Indigenous child and family wellbeing. The Living Lab embodies…

Shelly Niemi
AdvisorsDirector of Indigenous Education School District 61
Bio Coming Soon!

Butch Dick
AdvisorsLEKWUNGEN, Songhees Nation

Frank (Bangus) George
AdvisorsLEKWUNGEN, Songhees Nation

John Elliott
AdvisorsWSANEC / UVic Honorary Doctorate, TSARTLIP Nation

Lorna Williams
AdvisorsLil‘wat / St’at‘yem’ Nation, Professor Emerita / Faculty of Education & Canada Research Chair - Indigenous Knowledge & Learning

Earl Claxton Jr.

Mavis Underwood
AdvisorsResearch and Planning Advisor
I am proud to be invited to the Living Lab Project. As a past IGOV scholar, I pressed for improved curriculum in our professional schools of law, health, education and social development to counter the colonizing…

John Harris
Songhees Team, Steering CommitteeCommunity Co-Chair
Indigenous Education Elder & Indigenous Knowledge Facilitator SD61
’Uy’ skweyul,
I am an Indigenous Educator and member of Snuneymuxw (Nanaimo) First Nation, working in the Greater Victoria School District’s…

Ruth Lyall
Steering CommitteeDirector of Indigenous Programs, Camosun College
Nugwa’am ɁIxcəmga. Gayutɫan lax Gwa’yasdams. My Kwaḱwala-given name, Ixcəmga, was given to me by my Coon family, from the village of Gwa’yasdams, of the Kwiḵwa̱sut̓inux̱w…

SXEDTELISIYE – Renee Sampson
Steering CommitteeWSANEC School Board
Bio Coming Soon!

Tye Swallow
Songhees Team, Steering CommitteeAdult Education Facilitator WSANEC Schoolboard
I am a Facilitator for Language Revitalization with the W̱SÁNEĆ School Board. My interest in being involved in the Living Lab work revolves around helping transform educational structures to…

Tricia Roche
Steering CommitteeUVic - HSD Development Officer
After a decade of experience in youth-focused research at UVic, I now work as a Development & External Relations Officer in the Faculty of Human & Social Development. I find congruence between the values…

Erich Kelch
Steering CommitteePARKS CANADA - Sea Gardens Project Manager
My name is Erich Kelch, and I was born in Lekwungen territory/Victoria and now live on PKAALS/Mt. Tolmie/District of Saanich. I am of German and English descent and feel connected to the people and…

Dorothea Harris
Steering CommitteeOffice of Indigenous & Academic Community Engagement, Indigenous Initiatives Coordinator. Director, Indigenous University Initiatives.
My family is from Snuneymuxw First Nation, and I am a grateful visitor on the Lekwungen, W̱SÁNEĆ…

Darcy Mathews
Campus Partners, Steering Committee
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Studies, UVic.
UVic Academic Co-Leads
I am an Archaeologist and Ethnoecologist working primarily via UVic with the Songhees Nation. We are working collaboratively at Tl’ches (Chatham/Discovery…

Heather Castleden
Steering Committee
UVic Academic Co-Leads
Professor and Impact Chair in Transformative Governance for Planetary Health
Hello! My name is Heather, which is the name given to a flowering evergreen plant that thrives on the peaty barren lands of Scotland,…